Thursday, August 2, 2007


My stuff is here!My stuff is here!My stuff is here!My stuff is here!My stuff is here!My stuff is here!My stuff is here!My stuff is here!My stuff is here!My stuff is here!My stuff is here!My stuff is here!My stuff is here!My stuff is here!My stuff is here!My stuff is here!My stuff is here!My stuff is here!

Now I can pick up the my bike from the airport. I'll do that tomorrow... Today I've already walked for 5 hours, so I don't want the hassle of putting my bike back together under time pressure. Tomorrow I can go in early and get it done.

In the meantime, I can have a long shower and put on CLEAN CLOTHES. Goodie!

Oh, and also: Happy Birthday Sylvie
(in about 15 minutes you'll be 25 years old)!!!!


Unknown said...

Your stuff is there!Your stuff is there!Your stuff is there!Your stuff is there!Your stuff is there!Your stuff is there!Your stuff is there!Your stuff is there!Your stuff is there!Your stuff is there!Your stuff is there!Your stuff is there!Your stuff is there!Your stuff is there!Your stuff is there!Your stuff is there!Your stuff is there!

Ben blij voor je Ems!!! Schone kleren rules!

Dad said...

Hi Emily,

That's great news.

Now you have all the time you want to set yourself up and get over the jetlag.



Anonymous said...

He noppie,gelukkig maar. Zat wel even in de piepzak, dacht aan allerlei scenario's, flightback stuk losse ongelebelde tassen verspreidt over allerlei locaties ooooo. Hier ook weer qua PC alles OK, nu heeft de oven het begeven, maar ja niet belangrijk. Geniet! en Liefs Mam

Sanne said...

Oefh, gelukkig maar! Anders moest je je eerste paar dagen wijden aan een beetje stadten in Vancouver (klinkt trouwens niet eens zo verkeerd...), maar nu kun je lekker beginnen met fietsen! I'm still jealous...
xxx Sanne

Anonymous said...

Hey Ems,
Gelukkig kun je nu (met schone kleren) op pad!
Bedankt voor de 25 verjaardags kado's! Eruggg crea!
x sylvie