Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Ahh... The art of procrastination

I should be working on my research report, but I'm mildly fed up with it for the minute. Thing is, I need to get it finished soon, and the internets aren't helping.
I just spent an hour looking for a cool yet relevant cover image for my report. Still got zip.

Okaaay.... boring everyone now, and not a strong second post, but I'm trying to get into a blogging rhythm again.

Promise to think of something interesting soon.


Anonymous said...

Hi Emily,

This is a good idea for keeping in touch.



Anonymous said...

Hi Ems!

Leuk, een blog! Nu hopen dat je computers tegenkomt in de Canadeese wildernis ;) Ik vind het echt een super stoer avontuur van je!!
Maar ik ga je wel missen, serieus... Nu moet ik ècht elke avond alleen eten en schrijft er niemand meer iets op de wc.... :(
Gelukkig kom je ook gauw weer terug!!


Anonymous said...

lieve emily
ik hou van jou
doei!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!dag!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!hoi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!lieverd kusjes eva!!!